Bipolar I/II Disorder

Aug 30, 2022
30 Aug, 2022
30 Aug, 2022
30 Aug, 2022
30 Aug, 2022
Your Superhero Costume A special shoutout to the enneagram 2s out there *raises own hand* (and anyone else who identifies as a “helper”)! Being a helper is by no means a bad thing. We NEED helping, caring people in this world. You probably know a helper in your life (or maybe you are one). They are usually the first ones to bring you a meal when you’re sick, you offer to help you move, or the person you can count on to be a volunteer for something. They are dependable and just downright caring. Often, they probably get joy and energy from helping others. However, there can be another side to “the helper.” It’s the side that can feel like the weight of the world rests on your shoulders and your shoulders alone. It’s the voice that says, “No one else will do it if you don’t.” It’s the worry that if you say no to something, then people won’t find you dependable. It’s the thought that goes, “You don’t need help; you can do it all.” Sometimes it’s the helpers that have the hardest time accepting help themselves. We can feel like we have to live in our superhero costume 24/7, always at the ready to swoop in and help someone in need. We can get so caught up in taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. So how do we take off our capes from time to time and be our own superheroes?
30 Aug, 2022
Effective Communication June is Effective Communications Month. Communicating is key to building and maintaining relationships with others. So much can go into effective communication and it’s easy to get misunderstood. Check out these tips to up your effective communication this month!
30 Aug, 2022
Work Tips In case you didn’t know, today (June 2nd) is National Leave Work Early Day. First of all, I want to know who came up with this holiday and ask them why they didn’t make it a Friday. Most people I know would want an early start to the weekend. If you decide to take part in National Leave Work Early Day or not, here are a few tips to help get you through your workday.
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